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Tulisa Contostavlos Enters “Not Guilty” Plea in Westminster Magistrates’ Court

She’s facing serious consequences for allegedly trying to set up a drug deal with an undercover reporter and Tulisa Contostavlos showed up at Westminster Magistrates’ Court on Thursday morning (December 19) to answer for herself.

The “Sight of You” songstress looked pretty cranky as she strolled past some shutterbugs, sporting a cleavage-bearing black top with a black blazer and black trousers.

Once inside, Tulisa pleaded ‘not guilty’ to her involvement in a drug deal involving 13.9 grams of cocaine, and her lawyer is calling the entire case bunk.

Attorney Ben Rose told press, “Tulisa has been charged with a serious criminal offence to which she will plead not guilty. As has been widely reported, this entire case has been manufactured by the Sunday Sun and Mazher Mahmood, sometimes known as the fake sheikh. They spent a large amount of their readers’ money in flying Tulisa and a number of her friends first class to Las Vegas. There, Mahmood posed as a film producer offering her a £3million film contract.”

“This case is not simply about drug supply. It is about the limits which we set on the conduct of journalists. The media have rightly been criticized in recent years for the gross invasion into the private life of others. Tulisa is the latest in a long line of people who have been treated as fodder by greedy newspapers. This was a deliberate attempt to target a young woman who is all the more vulnerable because of her celebrity status.”

“The law clearly forbids such conduct on the part of the police. It is ironic that the police should rely on it when it is the work of a journalist. In due course Tulisa will give a full answer to these allegations in court.”

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