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Prince Charles: Time’s “Forgotten Prince”

He's been waiting a long time to become the King of England, and now Prince Charles reveals what he plans to do when he accepts the position in the latest issue of Time magazine.

During his interview with the publication, the 64-year-old royal discusses his future role and shares details about his charity, the Prince's Trust.

Check out a few highlights from Prince Charles' interview below. For more, be sure to visit Time!

On wanting to become king of people's hearts:
"I've had this extraordinary feeling, for years and years, ever since I can remember really, of wanting to heal and make things better. I feel more than anything else it's my duty to worry about everybody and their lives in this country, to try to find a way of improving things if I can possibly can."

On the Prince's Trust:
"A few people are lucky enough to know exactly what they want to do. But there's a hell of a lot of others who don't really know and may not be obviously academic, who suffer from low self-esteem."

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