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James Franco Plugs “Actors Anonymous” Novel on “The Late Show”

He’s been a mainstay in the talk show realm as of late, and James Franco showed up at “The Late Show with David Letterman” in New York City on Monday (October 14).

The “127 Hours” hunk gave a friendly smile as he waved to his fans and strolled into the Ed Sullivan Theatre ahead of his interview.

Franco was in the house to plug his new novel “Actors Anonymous,” and in a recent interview he gushed about his ability to pursue whatever comes to mind.

James boasted, “I get away with it. I get to do everything that I want. I’m sure that must piss people off. … But one thing I’m clear about is that I will absolutely never let that stop me.”

“Some famous people are liked for doing one thing, and then they think that they will be liked if they do anything. It’s just that someone who’s famous for one thing can forget that she or he worked really hard for success in that area. They forget that they had a talent in that one area, and think that talent applies across the board. They don’t get that they have to work as hard to achieve excellence with their other stuff.”

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