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Bow Wow on Being the Subject of “Catfish”: That’s Crazy, But I Like It” – Watch Here!

It's pretty easy to lie behind the veil of the internet, but it's also a pretty big stretch to convince someone that you're a celebrity online.

On a recent episode of "Catfish," a young lady named Keyonnah was lead to believe that she was in an online relationship with the rapper Bow Wow.

Unfortunately, the producers of the show uncovered that it was actually a woman named Dee who enjoyed tricking straight women to have sex with her.

Catching wind of the show, the "106 & Park" host responded, "I feel honored. It’s dope, and it’s fly when someone wants to be you And not only they wanna be you, in their mind they are you. That’s crazy, but I like it. It’s free promo for myself.”

Later, he invited both parties to appear on "106 & Park" and advised viewers who are "cyber dating" to "make sure you know who you're talking to." Check out Bow Wow's response in the video below.

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