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Usher: Buff Boxer for Men’s Health November 2013

Stepping off the set of his upcoming drama "Hands of Stone," Usher scored the cover spot of Men's Health's November 2013 issue.

While showing off his flawless abs for the Peter Hapak-shot spread, the "Yeah" hitmaker chatted about his upcoming flick and revealed his hard-learned fitness lesson.

Check out a few highlights from Usher's interview below. For more, be sure to visit Men's Health!

On his character in "Hands of Stone":
"My commitment to this character demands that I not only physically get read, but also become him. The hair, the personality, the manner he conducts himself in - all that. He's an incredible man."

On his big major workout injury:
"My second day I decided to ride to the gym. So I rode there. Boxed. Rode the bike back him. Mentally, I'm the type of person who can ignore the pain. Put it somewhere else and allow my body to just go there. But I always suffer. You can't box, ride a bike for 20 miles in the heat - Georgia heat - and then go to the studio and rehearse. That's not happening."

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