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Suri Cruise Scoots to School While Katie Holmes Follows Behind

Heading off for another day of school, Katie Holmes and her daughter Suri Cruise ventured out in New York City this morning (October 8).

Enjoying the freedom from her arm cast, Suri set off to her nearby elementary school on a scooter while the "Batman Begins" beauty cautiously followed behind.

During a recent interview, the 34-year-old beauty spoke about her hidden talents, including making macaroni and cheese.

"I cook a fair amount. I do a mac and cheese. It sounds like mine isn't the best, but there's always room to grow, improve and I got some tips on what I could put in mine which always makes me happy."

Also discussing Suri's adorable wardrobe, the 34-year-old actress states her "special" daughter has, " got great taste and she's a real sweetie."

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