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James Deen Talks Farrah Abraham & Lindsay Lohan Rumors in Playboy October 2013

He dealt with some drama after shooting the infamous porno with "Teen Mom" alum Farrah Abraham, and now James Deen is setting the record straight in the October 2013 issue of Playboy magazine.

During his Q&A session with the publication, the 27-year-old adult film star shared details about what really happened between he and the 21-year-old reality starlet and even revealed his struggles with celebrity gossip while working with Lindsay Lohan on the set of "The Canyons."

Check out a few highlights from Mr. Deen's interview below. For more, be sure to visit Playboy!

On Farrah:
"Here’s what happened. I got a call and they asked if I wanted to do a celebrity sex tape with Farrah. They said, 'We’ll set it up so it looks like you guys are dating, and then TMZ will find out and it’ll be all over the TV.' They wanted to pretend that somehow the tape got leaked behind her back and she was completely unaware. It was a really f*cked-up story, and I said, 'No, I don’t want to do that. Hire somebody else.' But they promised me the media wouldn’t be involved. I made sure they knew I was going to tell the truth if anybody asked me about it. I wasn’t going to lie. They said they’d make sure the media never talked to me. So we shoot the movie, and as we’re leaving her hotel room some paparazzo takes our picture. The next day I get a call from TMZ, asking if I was dating Farrah Abraham. I said no. 'Well, what were you doing at that hotel?' 'Shooting a porno.' 'Oh…okay. Bye then.' And that’s when the f****** drama train hit. She was great. I thought she was really cool. She got a little confused a few times about how to have sex for the camera, but it was her first porn movie, so that was understandable. The small-penis remark, well, I respect her right to have that opinion. If you think I have a small penis, that’s fine. I don’t care. I’m not going to be offended by what you said, and I’m definitely not going to get into a public pissing match with you."

On Lindsay:
"During the Lindsay drama I got a firsthand lesson in how tabloids spin a story. They got shots of us coming out of a bar together, holding hands and getting into her car. TMZ was like, “What’s going on? Are they an item?' We were playing a couple in a movie! We were hanging out before the movie and getting to know each other. When we left the bar together, she was drunk, so I drove her home because I was sober and she has a bad history with that. End of story."

On his career:
"Sorry, it really is the most awesome job ever. I guess if you hate sex and don’t want a nice laid-back career that lets you make your own rules and you need that corporate structure, it could be a drag. But I enjoy my job and I enjoy the sex part of my job, and I enjoy being able to work as much or as little as I want. It’s kind of amazing."

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