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Watch “Basketball Wives” Season 5 Episode 3

It’s been a long time coming, but Tami Roman and Shaunie O’Neal‘s long-standing friendship might be on the path to derailment.

After a good, girly, gossipy dinner at “Basketball Wives” newcomer Tasha Marbury‘s house, Bud Light Tami is feeling some kind of way about Shaunie and Evelyn “planting a seed” in Tasha’a head about her.

According to Tami, by the ladies saying, “Things could go really bad or really well,” they were portraying Tami in a bad light. Right, because Tami’s reputation from previous seasons of BBW doesn’t already precede her. Who is she fooling?

When Tami confronts Shaunie about this, Shaunie restrains herself and calmly points out to Tami that what she said was true. Tami either takes well to newcomers or she doesn’t. Tami, however, like many flawed people with a big sense of ego, can’t stand to have someone paint them with a realistic brush. They prefer the delusion of “positivity.” Ok, girl.

Meanwhile, after about five seasons of tom foolery, the producers of BBW FINALLY decide to delve into Suzie Ketchum‘s backstory. It turns out that she’s pretty much burned through her 20s with sex, men and plastic surgery and little to show for it. So now, she’s got a little buyer’s remorse. She shares her fears and feelings with her cousin, Billy, who is Asian. In fact, it turns out that Suzie is herself part Chinese.

Who knew? I just assumed the Asian-like features in her face the result of overdosing on face lifts, nose jobs and brow lifts a la Lil’ Kim.



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