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Ariana Grande Apologizes for Facebook Page Hack

Social media can be a great way for celebs to speak directly to fans, but it can also cause major issues if their accounts fall into the wrong hands.

On Wednesday, Ariana Grande fell victim to some mischievous meddling when a couple of bizarre messages appeared on her Facebook page.

According to reports, one note read, "Hello everyone. I have a confession to make. I'm struggling with an addiction to coke. I plan on going to rehab, and I'll be inactive for a while. I will be canceling my future tours and shows," and the other said, "btw Miley Cyrus needs to twerk her ugly a** off a cliff. Lol."

Promptly taking care of things, the 20-year-old songstress tweeted, "Omg my Facebook was hacked lol.... And by lol I mean..... Get a life a--hole." Later, she wrote, "If you were awake during any of that nonsense I apologize it wasn't me lol really sorry :) have a good night everybody."

Keeping the focus on her upcoming album, Ariana posted on Facebook, "My page was hacked tonight. i am sorry to everyone who saw those posts. I have my page back now. The good news is: #4DaysUntilYoursTruly."

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