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Heidi Klum: Red Carpet Ready at Radio City Music Hall

She loves working her mojo for the cameras, and last night (August 28) Heidi Klum was all about hamming it up at the “America’s Got Talent” shindig in New York City.

The “Project Runway” mastermind flashed a flirty smile and paraded around Radio City Music Hall in a sexy strapless dress along with her cohorts Melanie Brown, Nick Cannon, and Howard Stern.

Speaking of Stern, the shock jock appeared to strike a nerve when he asked Heidi about her ex-husband Seal’s ‘manhood’ during a recent interview.

Howard speculated as to why Heidi won’t visit his satellite radio show- "I don't know what Heidi's afraid to talk about... The divorce with Seal? Who cares? Nobody cares about Seal. Alright, how big was Seal's penis?" Klum responded, "You see this is the thing. I don't wanna talk about these things."

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