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Alex Rodriguez Talks Drug Suspension, Plans For Appeal

He’s dodged performance-enhancing drug rumors for awhile now, and finally Alex Rodriguez was slapped with a 211-game suspension.

However, the New York Yankee stud refuses to accept the decision, and he’ll throw everything he has at an appeal effort.

A-Rod told press, "Obviously, I'm disappointed with the news today. What we've always fought for is the process and I think we have that, and I think at some point we'll sit in front of an arbiter and we'll give our case. That's as much as I feel comfortable saying right now. I am fighting for my life. If I don't defend myself, no one will."

Until his appeal is heard Alex will be permitted to continue playing, however if he’s found guilty, he’ll sit out the 2014 season with no pay.

Prior to yesterday’s game, Rodriguez gushed, "I am thrilled and humbled to have the opportunity to put on this uniform again and to play major league baseball again. I feel like I was 18 years old back in Fenway Park in 1994 when I went in to face the Red Sox for the very first time. It's been 20 years . . . very excited to get out there to play baseball and to help my team win and to prove to myself, my teammates, the fans of New York, the fans of baseball, that I still have a shot to play the game at a high level and I'm going to give it my best."

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