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Taylor Swift Talks Song-Worthy Love with Rolling Stone

She’s been praised for her lyrical transparency and it sounds like Taylor Swift's crazy romantic life is her not-so-secret weapon.

During a recent interview with Rolling Stone, the “Should’ve Said No” songstress declared that she’s not interested in wishy-washy crushes; she wants some “mad love.”

"I am getting to the point where the only love worth being in is the love worth singing about. And kind of mad love. I think that for me, when you experience something that's worth writing a song about, chances are it's the same kind of intense feeling that someone else has felt, and it has led them to be sitting on a bedroom floor crying, or walking through a crowded room feeling alone or feeling misunderstood by the person who's supposed to know them better than anybody else."

“Those are things that make you feel really alone, and if someone's singing a song about that feeling, then you feel bonded to that person, and I guess that's the only way I can find an explanation why 55,000 people would want to come see me sing."

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