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Paris Hilton: Burglarized Again!

She’s been a thievery target in the past, and once again Paris Hilton is the victim of a home burglary plot.

The “Simple Life” starlet threw a going-away party at her place in Mailbu last weekend and while most of the guests were there to hang out, a few ladies actually showed up to steal Hilton’s valuables.

Thankfully, the bikinis, purses, and pictures that were taken were quickly recovered and turned in to the police by a valet driver.

Following the incident, Paris tweeted, "I have bad luck when it comes to thieves. They tried to steal my new collection of Paris Hilton purses from my Malibu house."

Earlier this summer, Hilton told press that her burglary problem hadn’t caused her to consider selling the house. "When it first happened, I'd already had so many other experiences at other houses I've lived at in the Hollywood Hills with stalkers, people climbing my gates, and tour buses full of people driving by. I've always been used to this.”

"But living in a gated community is the safest place you could live in L.A. Even though it happened to me and it's scary, I just had to up the security in and around my house with cameras, laser beams and the most high-tech system."

She added, "In my gated community, nobody used to even lock their doors because there are guards there, and it's a gated community. I don't even think there was a burglary there until this happened. My housekeeper had been there and left the key under the mat for me, so they took the key, made a copy of it, and brought it back. The kids basically had their own copy of the key and broke into my home, like, six times."

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