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Chris Hemsworth Covers Esquire September 2013

In the midst of his career and personal schedule, Chris Hemsworth scored the cover spot of Esquire magazine's September 2013 issue.

During his Q&A with the publication, the 29-year-old actor chatted about his workout regime for "Thor" and revealed how he handled the Marvel die-hard comic book fans.

Check out a few highlights from Mr. Hemsworth's interview below. For more, be sure to visit Esquire!

On staying in shape:
"Thor is large. For that I had to add some muscle, which hasn’t been all that hard so far. I like training just fine, thanks. But to play a Formula One driver, I had to drop quite a bit of that. You know, slim it down. First time I looked at a Formula One car in person, I just stared at the cockpit, figuring I’d never get in there. The drivers wear the whole car like a tight-fitting suit. So I just started training differently, shedding all that Thor. I’ve come to see size as just a kind of prop."

On his career aspirations:
"I remember being in high school, every week I had a different idea about what I wanted to do. One week it was Ah, I’m gonna be a doctor. The next it was I’m bound to be a professional sports player—you know, Aussie football and that stuff. Then I’d want to be a police officer. A lawyer. They were all elevated ideas to me, of me, in some way. Exaggerated conditions of what I wanted to be. Or of where I wanted to be. I can remember watching Lord of the Rings and being truly regretful that I wasn’t a being in that world."

On "Thor":
“You talk to the comic-book fans, people who’ve been there since the beginning—you know, since the sixties—and you realize the religious significance of this thing. And there is a kind of work that follows. You do your research. You listen and learn what you can. But then you let go. Eventually you’re down to it. You gotta make this guy your own. The challenge in the first installment was this fish-out- of-water quality, this naivete about everything that makes up earth. That was a familiar dynamic to me. A Crocodile Dundee thing, really. A stranger arrives at your shore. He’s in foreign territory, out of his element, with his own set of tools. Very powerful in one world, stripped of that power in the next.”

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