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“Love & Hip Hop Atlanta” Recap: Stevie J Chooses Joseline, But Mimi Still Gets the Last Laugh

For it to have been the second season’s finale, this last episode of “Love & Hip Hop Atlanta” was rather light on the drama and heavy on the resolve. Much of the hour was spent wrapping up the story lines that were introduced in the beginning of the series including the never ending love triangle between Stevie J, Mimi, & Joseline; Rasheeda & Kirk’s marriage; and K. Michelle’s budding solo career.

The episode started off where the last one ended, with Joseline asking for Stevie J. to marry her. Listen, Joseline has enough heat on her already for being too mannish…the last thing she needs to add fuel to the fire is to be popping the question to her man. But I digress.

Stevie at first isn’t down, insisting he has “traditional values”, however, Joseline says she sees the proposal as a stepping stone to developing a stronger relationship. In the end, Stevie accepts the ring but doesn’t make it clear whether he’s accepting the self-proclaimed Puerto Rican princess’ marriage proposal.

More on that later…

Rasheeda and her fellow cast members (Karlie Redd, Traci, and Erica) are getting the nursery prepared for Rasheeda’s new baby boy. Yes, the Atlanta rapper is indeed having a boy! Congratulations!

Sidebar: It must be said, Rasheeda has been looking absolutely flawless lately sporting her baby bump and glowing face. Honestly, pregnancy really agrees with her!

While not painting the baby’s room, Erica revealed to the ladies that Scrappy wants to reconsider their engagement and that she may be open to the idea. However, what she failed to mention was that Scrappy sprung this “engagement re-do” idea upon her just before he was to turn himself in to the state for a month.

Scrappy was simply scared and lonely and needed something to hold on to while he was away to be his “light at the end of the tunnel.” Erica, girl, Scrappy don’t want you. Move on boo!

Speaking of Scrappy… The next scene opens with him making up his twin bed, doing push-ups, and cooking breakfast. Seriously, his solo segments were so boring they deserved to be fast forwarded! What stuck out the most was Momma Dee and her overbearing style of parenting. When she called Scrappy “Momma’s big man” I almost threw up. Scrappy is a grown ass man. Enough said.

I do appreciate Scrappy finally standing up this mother for Erica and telling his mother that she needs to back the hell off. Taking Erica’s side, Scrappy explained to Mama Dee that the drama she caused between herself, Shay, and Erica led him to smoke marijuana and therefore got him in jail rehab.

While he does have somewhat of a point, I’m going to need Scrappy to start taking responsibility for his actions! Like Mama Dee said, no one forced the blunt to his lips…

Sidebar: Can we get Scrappy a haircut? Ok thanks!

So what’s the tea about K. Michelle? She’s moving to New York City and allegedly joining the cast of “Love & Hip Hop New York” so K. invited her girls out to dinner to share her big news and celebrate her successes.

Say what you want about K. Michelle, but she’s really turned her bag of lemons into lemonade. The R&B singer has been trying for over ten years to break the music industry to little avail. Finally, after two popular seasons of the Mona Scott produced reality show, K. is now a fixture on urban radio, has a bit single, and an album coming out! Basically, she’s winning and we all should be jealous.

Sidebar: Can I get a shirt that says “Safe Sex & Paychecks” because that line was simply everything? Ok, thanks, bye!

So while at the dinner Joseline takes it upon herself to spill the beans and tell the ladies she and Stevie J. are engaged. Cue the gasps. They try to take the news in stride and not show the surprise on their faces, but none of them are Oscar-winning actresses… If only Mimi was there to receive the news as well; popcorn.

The next scene opens with Kirk trying to buy Rasheeda’s love back. After showing up to their home with a new G-wagon filled with bags, shoes, baby clothes, and balloons bought at the flower shop from the local grocery store. Understandably, Rasheeda wasn’t open to the idea and sent her adulterous husband on his merry way. I cringed when Kirk told her “a real woman would stick by her man.” Seriously, does he hear how idiotic he sounds?!

Sidebar: Can we have a moment of silence for Kirk’s hat with his twitter handle on it? **Silence**

Now for the meat and potatoes of the episode! Stevie J and Joseline. Ok, so we all saw the preview with Stevie J giving both Mimi and Joseline a ring but no one saw the fallout…until now.

The elevator opens and Mimi walks out in a body hugging coral dress with a deep neckline to show off “the girls.” As Mimi sits down with her glass of white wine and knowing smile, Joseline walks and to her surprise sees Mimi.

Immediately, this turns her mood upside down as the irritation on her face is obvious, but she bites her tongue and proceeds to Stevie. Stevie, clearly high on life, gives Joseline a ring and proposes they become “Life Partners” to which Joseline, readily, albeit annoyingly, accepts.

Then Stevie turns to Mimi and tells her that he will always take care of her and that she will always be a part of his life. Following the declaration of his love for her, he presents her with a ring of her own.

As history has shown, Mimi just doesn’t have it in her to turn down a gift from Stevie so she happily puts the ring right on in front of Joseline. This sets Joseline off into a she-Hulk-like rage as she storms off and, literally, takes on about four grown men in the elevator as she violently tries to get to Stevie and kick his ass for breaking her heart.

Joseline went HAM! She was kicking ass and taking names trying to get to Stevie J. Seriously, this woman can open up a mean can of whoop-ass when the time calls for it! It was classic.

As the episode ended, Mimi was seen laughing her ass off as she sipped from a champagne glass. “You wanted him, girl you got him! Congratulations on the engagement … Who’s the maid now, boo?” she said.

Mimi gets the last laugh and she knows it.

All in all, this episode served as an appropriate closer to a drama filled season two! While it wasn’t the most exciting to watch of the series, it did a great job of bringing everything full-circle and everyone together.

We can’t wait til the next season to see what Mona Scott and the gang has cooked up for us next time!

What did you think about the “Love & Hip Hop Atlanta” Season 2 Finale?

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