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Robert Pattinson Moves Out of Kristen Stewart’s Pad

They can’t seem to figure out their relationship and Robert Pattinson has finally moved his stuff out of Kristen Stewart's Los Feliz home.

The “Twilight Saga: New Moon” hunk was seen loading up a pickup truck on Sunday (May 19) and he definitely didn’t look happy.

Rob donned a bushy beard and looked as if he’d been maintaining a reclusive existence as of late. And given the recent row over his birthday it’s no wonder he packed his bags and hit the road.

A source close to the couple told press, "Kristen totally went out of her way to make Rob's birthday super special. She invited friends over to go swimming and just hang out for the late afternoon and evening. At the last minute, Rob said he didn't want to make his birthday a big deal and said he was just going to hang with the guys."

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