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Nick Lachey Warns Boy Bands: “Stay Away From Taylor Swift!”

After being in the music industry for quite some time now, Nick Lachey has plenty of tips to offer rookies, but his recent advice to boy bands may come as a surprise.

In an interview with MTV News, the 39-year-old singer joked, "Stay away from Taylor Swift!" adding, "She'll write a song about you … Oh! I'm too late on that one. I didn't get to [that advice] fast enough. [The song will] be a hit, but it will be about you."

Aside from the many ups and downs of being in the spotlight, Lachey seems grateful that being a 90's boy band success didn't come with as many pressures as the industry today.

"I'm very thankful we didn't have any of the Twitter and camera phones and all that stuff when we were going through it the first time cause that's a whole 'nother element that we didn't have to deal with," Nick said. "A lot of respect for these guys who have to deal with that as young people, that's really tough."

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Nick Lachey Warns Boy Bands: “Stay Away From Taylor Swift!”

After being in the music industry for quite some time now, Nick Lachey has plenty of tips to offer rookies, but his recent advice to boy bands may come as a surprise.

In an interview with MTV News, the 39-year-old singer joked, "Stay away from Taylor Swift!" adding, "She'll write a song about you … Oh! I'm too late on that one. I didn't get to [that advice] fast enough. [The song will] be a hit, but it will be about you."

Aside from the many ups and downs of being in the spotlight, Lachey seems grateful that being a 90's boy band success didn't come with as many pressures as the industry today.

"I'm very thankful we didn't have any of the Twitter and camera phones and all that stuff when we were going through it the first time cause that's a whole 'nother element that we didn't have to deal with," Nick said. "A lot of respect for these guys who have to deal with that as young people, that's really tough."

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