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Magic Johnson Talks Gay Son

He’s one of the best basketball players of all time, and it seems Magic Johnson is also a world-class father.

The former NBA great had nothing but love for his son EJ, who came out as gay after being photographed with his boyfriend in West Hollywood.

Johnson told press, "We've known for a long time that my son EJ was gay. We finally had to sit down and talk about it. I told him, 'Look, I'm gonna love you regardless, just let me know. Are you, or aren't you?' And finally he said, 'Yes, I am.'"

“He was so young . . . I told him, 'We are here to support you. We are gonna love no matter who you are, what you do. We just want you to love yourself and also make sure that you have all the information.’ I wanted to provide him with advice and guidance."

Magic added, "He really wanted to make sure I was okay. He wasn't worried about his mom, he was worried about me. I love EJ so much. That's my main man. I told him, 'Nothing has changed.'"

"This was a moment for us as a family and an even greater moment for him. I think now he's just the bubbly kid we knew again. He's just happy that it is out. I'm behind him a million percent. This is really wonderful for him."

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