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Magic Johnson’s Son EJ Is “Gone with the Wind” Fabulous and His Parents Love It


Life ain’t nothing but a box of chocolates. You never know which piece you bit into is going to be sweet.

And looking at Magic Johnson’s son EJ — a towering 6-foot-something with a penchant for Dunkin’ Donuts — you’d never guess that inside he’s a fiery diva with a flame so bright it could put Derek J and Miss Lawrence of Housewives fame to shame.

While EJ’s being gay has apparently not been much of a secret in L.A., according to sports gossip blog Jocks and Stiletto Jill, it’s now front-page news thanks to TMZ capturing the statuesque divo on the stroll with his boo thang.

As the Funky Dineva would say, “Catch these teas, honey!”

Watch EJ on TMZ’s cameras below.

According to TMZ, Magic and his wife Cookie, wholeheartedly support their son and his gay lifestyle. “Cookie and I love EJ and support him in every way.” Magic said, “We’re very proud of him.”

Holler! Two snaps for modern black parents embracing their children no matter what.


In the age of Glee and Fashion Queens, ain’t nobody got time for homophobia. Live and let live. Let your freak flag fly, EJ.

Bravo, when y’all gonna give this star-in-the-making his own reality show? Matter of fact, Miss Kenya Moore needs to book EJ for a remix of her “Gone with the Wind Fabulous” single. I bet EJ’s twirl is meaner than Superstorm Sandy.

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