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Report: Princess Diana Smuggled in Gay Club Dressed as Male Model

Though Princess Diana's life has been picked apart endlessly since her death in 1997, new details about her personal life were just revealed in Cleo Rocos' memoir.

According to the British actress, the Princess of Wales, Freddie Mercury (of the band Queen), and her co-star Kenny Everett were hanging out and decided to go to the gay nightclub Vauxhall Tavern.

With the unmistakable royal insisting to tag along for "one drink," the group put their heads together to disguise Lady Di. According to the book, "She tried on the outfit Kenny had intended to wear: a camouflage army jacket, hair tucked up into a leather cap and dark aviator sunglasses. Scrutinizing her in the half light, we decided that the most famous icon of the modern world might just -- just -- pass for a rather eccentrically dressed gay male model.”

As for the clubgoers reactions, Cleo says, "When we walked in . . . we felt she was obviously Princess Diana and would be discovered at any minute. But people just seemed to blank her. She sort of disappeared. But she loved it."

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