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Tilda Swinton Sleeps at MoMa for “The Maybe”

Generally when you go to New York's Museum of Modern Art, the celebrities you expect to see have names like Picasso, Georgia O'Keefe, and Vincent Van Gough. However, lucky visitors now have a chance to spot Tilda Swinton as part of an exhibit.

The "Moonrise Kingdon" star sleeps in a transparent box as a collaboration effort with Cornelia Parker called "The Maybe."

Explaining the uncertainty in the name, there is no published schedule for her appearance, no artist statement, and no museum statement.

Each performance lasts the whole day, but this isn't the 52-year-old actress's debut of the piece. Back in 1995, she brought it to London's Serpentine Gallery and later at the Museo Barracco in Rome.

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