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Convicted School Shooter T.J. Lane Wears “KILLER” T-Shirt to Court, Flips Victims’ Families Off

T.J. Lane seems to feel very sorry and extremely remorseful for murdering three students and wounding three others in a school shooting last year.

Lane appeared in court Tuesday morning wearing a T-shirt with the word “KILLER” scribbled across the front of it in black marker, and he had a visible smirk on his face as an Ohio judge told him that he would spend the rest of his life in prison for his crime.

Against the recommendation of his counsel, the 18-year-old addressed the courtroom before learning of his fate, telling his victims’ families directly: “This hand that pulled the trigger that killed your sons now masturbates to the memory. Fuck all of you,” which was met with gasps and cries, according to the Cleveland Plain Dealer.


On February 27th 2012, Lane, who was 17 years old at the time, entered Chardon High School, located about 30 miles east of Cleveland, Ohio, and opened fire, killing Daniel Parmertor and Demetrius Hewlin, both 16, and 17-year-old Russell King Jr, and wounding three others, including one student — Nick Walczak — who remains paralyzed in a wheelchair.

Chardon High School Shooting: 5 Students Shot, 3 Dead Following Violent Shooting Rampage

Nearly one year later, Lane, now 18, plead guilty to three counts of aggravated murder, two counts of attempted aggravated murder and one count of felonious assault. Because he was a juvenile at the time of the shooting, Lane was ineligible for the death penalty, but Geauga County Common Pleas Judge David Fuhry did give Lane three life sentences without the possibility of parole.

In court, Dina Parmertor, mother of victim Daniel, told Lane:

“You murdered my son Danny. You are a killer! You are a pathetic excuse for a human being. In fact you’re not a even human being. You don’t deserve to be called human. You’re a monster, and will forever to be titled a triple murderer.

“I have many more words that I wish I could say that would express my pure disgust and hatred for you, but unlike you, as we’ve seen today, I obey the law, and that’s why I am standing here a free person — something you will NEVER be.

“I hope you have a cold, rough, unkind, harsh prison life with monsters like yourself. I want you to be ensured years and years of pain, and abuse, which is, in my opinion, not harsh enough.

“If I had my choice, you would die an extremely slow and torturous death. You don’t deserve to take another breath while my 16-year-old son Danny lies in the ground because of your disgusting, selfish and cowardly actions. You are a weak, pathetic, vile coward.”

T.J. Lane wears "KILLER" t-shirt in court, tells victims' families: "FUCK YOU" T.J. Lane wears "KILLER" t-shirt in court, tells victims' families: "FUCK YOU" T.J. Lane wears "KILLER" t-shirt in court, tells victims' families: "FUCK YOU" T.J. Lane wears "KILLER" t-shirt in court, tells victims' families: "FUCK YOU" T.J. Lane wears "KILLER" t-shirt in court, tells victims' families: "FUCK YOU"

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