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Britney Spears: Starbucks Stop in LA

Getting her morning dose of caffeine, Britney Spears paid a visit to a Starbucks coffee shop in Los Angeles earlier today (March 19).

Joined by boyfriend David Lucado, the “Oops I Did It Again” singer snagged both a hot coffee and an iced libation for energy to tackle the day’s to-do list.

In related news, Spears recently tried to be kind to a homeless man only to have a security guard stage a major overreaction.

Britney withdrew $100 from an ATM after the vagrant pleaded with her for aid. According to a witness, “The man declared, ‘Please help me…I’m at the end of my rope!’ — so she walked to a nearby ATM, withdrew five crisp $20 bills and placed them in his hand — then shrieked in surprise when he suddenly hoisted her in a big bear hug.”

“The store’s security guard came running and snatched the money out of the guy’s hand, shooing him away. But Britney said, ‘No!…No! Give this man his money back! I gave it to him!’ She’s often seen as a wacky diva, but most times her heart’s in the right place.”

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