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Miley Cyrus & Evan Rachel Wood Sound Off Against the Tabloids

The rumor mills continues to swirl around the lives of your favorite stars including Miley Cyrus and Evan Rachel Wood, but it looks like they've had enough.

After tabloid reports claimed that Miss Wood revealed the sex of her baby on Thursday (March 14), the expectant starlet tweeted, "Fyi. No one knows the sex of our baby. No one. I am hearing rumors there will be reports of the sex but its truly based off nothing. Sorry."

"The fact that we live in a world which condones the stripping of basic human rights (dignity, privacy, etc) ...of people because of their status, is very sad to me," Evan continued. "We should have higher standards for ourselves as people and a society. Especially when children are involved."

The 25-year-old's tweet grabbed Miss Cyrus' attention as she continues to deal with breakup rumors regarding her relationship with fiance Liam Hemsworth.

"I ♥ @evanrachelwood Thank you for always speakin the truth. #badb*tchcontestyoureinfirstplace," Miley replied.

This comes after the former Disney Channel star vouched to stay off of social media, penning, "I am so sick of La. And sick of the lies that come with it. I didn't call off my wedding. Taking a break from social media. #draining. my new music is gonna shut everyone up. not discussing anything but my music from now on."

What are your thoughts on the situation?

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