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Kate Middleton & Prince William’s Royal Affair at The Cheltenham Festival

Bringing her baby bump to the stands, Kate Middleton cheered on the horses at The Cheltenham Festival on Friday afternoon (March 15).

The gorgeous Duchess of Cambridge covered her growing belly with a peach pea coat matched with a darling brown cap and boots as she passed a smile to her awaiting admirers before heading inside the event.

Prince William joined his beautiful bride in the festivities and cheered in the stands for his favorite racer.

In related news, Miss Middleton’s nose is making headlines as the most requested model at plastic surgeon offices.

"It has become so popular that we have made a file of a dozen Kate Middleton pictures to show patients when they come in for their consultation," Dr. Greenberg of Manhattan said.

He added that he currently has about 20 women scheduled to get the royal treatment in the next month, at about $7,000

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