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Salma Hayek Asks: Got Milk?

She’s always been an inspiration to women the world over, and now Salma Hayek is putting her star power to work for the “Got Milk” campaign.

The “Desperado” dame donned hair curlers and a pink bathrobe and posed with a milk mustache for the new ad, with the tag line, “Protein Makes Perfect.”

Salma’s spot is the latest in the Breakfast Project series of ads, giving fans a playful look at the way she and her family begin the day.

Meanwhile, Hayek has spoken out on the subject of women’s rights across the globe especially because her little girl Valentina will one day have to fend for herself.

In a recent interview, Salma explained, “I am careful for her not to know [exactly] how big of a problem this is and the details of it. But she knows that Mommy does a lot of work for justice for women and that in many countries, sometimes our rights are not given or respected. And that we have to stand up for us as a gender. It’s important to stick together.”

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