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Olivia Wilde Covers Marie Claire April 2012

She’s in a great place personally and professionally, and Olivia Wilde is actually thankful for her messy 2011 divorce from Tao Ruspoli as it helped wake her up.

The “House” hottie told Marie Claire, "I had grown up with Tao; we had just drifted. I felt I had something to prove. If you fall off a horse, you get back up. I am not a quitter. I hung on for as long as possible, until it was more hurtful to stay ... I'm so grateful for the pain and the heartbreak. It gave me the courage to leave and brought me the great love of my life."

Wilde explained that she met Jason Sudeikis back in 2011 after working on “Saturday Night Live.” "I was just learning to be by myself. We were both seeing people but were single. He seemed to really see me, see through the b––t. He said very few words and couldn't keep eye contact. He was so handsome and he could dance.”

And even when they started dating, Olivia wasn’t sure Jason was game. "I thought, 'He won't be interested in me; I'm not a contender.' He was so cool, so funny – I was such a fan of his and had always fancied his speed and his intelligence. He's a brilliant actor with a brain like lightening. I thought 'I'm not beautiful enough or his type.' I couldn't wait to sit down and hear him talk."

Regarding children, Wilde “can’t wait” to start procreating with Sudeikis. "I'm open-minded about how many, but three, which I love, is like a little party. I am not trying to have kids now – there's no strict plan for anything in my life. What happens, happens. He's so good with kids ... I've never before experienced looking at someone and thinking, 'That's who I want to raise a child with.' "

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