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Beyoncé Embraces Knowles-Carter Name in Charity Campaign Spot

Perhaps feeling more unified with her husband after the birth of Blue Ivy, Beyoncé has taken steps to integrate Jay-Z's last name with her own.

Shortly after naming her upcoming tour The Mrs. Carter Show, the 31-year-old songstress referred to herself as Beyoncé Knowles-Carter in a charity campaign video.

In the ad for Gucci's Chime for Change, an organization devoted to promoting education, health, and justice for women and girls around the world, the mother-of-one, Salma Hayek, and Gucci creative director Frida Gianini voice their support for the group's goals.

In Queen Bey's portion, she introduces herself, saying, "Hi, I'm Beyoncé Knowles-Carter, and I chime for health." Check out the happily married lady in the video below.

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