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Anne Hathaway’s Embarrassing Visit to “The Tonight Show”

She’s one of the most prolific actresses of her generation, but even Anne Hathaway has some less-than-stellar moments in her career past.

The “Les Miserables” babe showed up at the “Tonight Show” last night (February 13) whereupon Jay Leno presented her with a clip from her very first commercial at age 14.

Hathaway played a teen girl getting ready to move away, and her boyfriend comforted her with the fact, “Selling a house takes time. We’ll at least have the whole summer together.”

However, once a Better Homes & Gardens Real Estate rep planted a ‘for sale’ sign in the yard, Anne burst into tears and blurted out, “Goodbye! I’ll miss you!”

As for her BAFTA blunder over the weekend, Anne explained, “I was so late that I had to run straight down to the end of the carpet and miss all the interviews. And, the worst part was, I missed the fans. They’re out in the cold and the rain and the sleet, and they booed me. I got booed, my dress ripped, and I had the flu.”

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