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Gwen Stefani Covers Vogue January 2013

She's undoubtedly one of the most recognized faces in pop culture so it's not surprising that Gwen Stefani landed a spot covering the January 2013 issue of Vogue magazine.

The 43-year-old rock star showed off her sparkle in Saint Laurent for the Annie Leibovitz front page shoot while opening up about everything from motherhood to her music.

A few highlights from Miss Stefani's interview are as follows. For more, be sure to pay a visit to Vogue magazine!

On being pregnant while recording her first album:
"I did my first solo record and went on tour while I was pregnant. I would want to throw up during certain songs. Certain outfits would make me sick. It was torture. I toured until I was four and a half months pregnant, showing. I came home and had Kingston, and when he was eight months old, I went back on the road. I nursed him for fourteen months, so I would literally do my hair and makeup, go back to the bus, nurse him, put him down, and walk out onstage. And I did that for 100 shows."

On motherhood:
"It’s super fun being a mom, but it’s not what you think it’s going to be. And it’s really gradual. At first, your life is totally the same. You have this cute little thing that you get to drive around everywhere and you’re so proud and it’s amazing. And as they grow older, it really does start to change your life. Like, Oh, my God, they have school, they have to get through first grade, they have to learn to read. It starts getting so serious, and you’re like, Aaaaaaah!"

On her band, No Doubt:
"I feel like we’ve always been in our own little lane. Never fitting in. Never a nineties grunge band, never a pop girl band. And it’s the same now. I did the solo thing, but I felt like I was trying to play a character in a way, this Alice in Wonderland pretend version of myself. But this, being in No Doubt, is really who I am."

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