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Emma Thompson Threatened to Quit a Movie After Size Comment

Emma Thompson threatened to pull out of a movie because of a producer's comment about weight.

The 57-year-old actress has revealed when she was filming the movie 'Brideshead Revisited', which sees her play the role of Lady Marchmain in the 2008 production, she was gobsmacked to overhear a member of the production team urging her co-star to shed a few pounds, and warned them "never" to make such demands or else she would quit.

Speaking about the production she almost pulled out of, she said: "There was a wonderful actress in a film I did called 'Brideshead Revisited'. The producer said to her, 'Will you lose some weight?' And she was absolutely exquisite!

"I said to them, 'If you speak to her about this again, on any level, I will leave this picture. You are never to do that.'"

And the 'Beauty and the Beast' star has prepared a comeback in retaliation to anyone who poses the same question to her in the future.

She said: "Sorry, do you want me to be an actress or a model?"

Emma believes she has to "make noise" about the size issue because she thinks it is "evil" seeing people condemned for their appearance, the repercussions it may have and the illnesses it can trigger.

She explained on the television show 'Skavlan': "It's evil what's happening and what's going on there, and it's getting worse.

"The anorexia - there's so many kids, girls and boys now, and actresses who are very, very thin into their 30s, who simply don't eat. They don't eat ... Sometimes there are just some subjects that you absolutely have to make noise about because it's so tedious and it's gone on and on."

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