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Paris Jackson: I Go To AA Meetings

She recently returned from a therapeutic boarding school in Utah and Paris Jackson seems to be doing just fine these days.

The 17-year-old daughter of the late Michael Jackson took to her Instagram account this week to discuss some of the difficulties she’s still dealing with regarding unreasonable public interest in her life.

Ms. Jackson declared, "This is f--king ridiculous. I am expected to literally sit on my ass all day replying to comments people leave me (positive and negative)? I have AA meeting to go to. Family obligations. PERSONAL obligations."

"It's so selfish that I am literally attacked on every f--king thing I post just because people that I DON'T EVEN KNOW aren't getting what they want...I appreciate the love and support, but the expectations are f--king ridiculous. The expectations for my DAD were f--king ridiculous. He didn't owe you anything, yet he was ripped to shreds DAILY. I will not let that happen to me."

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