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Heidi Klum Too Busy For “Zoolander 2” Cameo

Heidi Klum regrets turning down an offer to appear in Ben Stiller's new "Zoolander" movie, but the catwalk beauty was just too busy.

The German super model made an appearance in the original 2001 comedy, which starred Ben and Owen Wilson as warring male models, and she was asked to return to make a cameo in new sequel Zoolander 2.

However, Heidi did not have time in her busy TV work schedule, telling Australian radio's the Fitzy & Wippa show, "I'm shooting three TV shows at the moment, and unfortunately I couldn't fit it in, but I would have loved to have done it, so I'm very jealous."

When asked about her appearance in the first movie, Heidi baffled the radio hosts by replying, "No, I wasn't in the first one," before remembering her role in the film and adding, "My God, see, it was 15 years ago. That's a brain fart, see what happens when you have four kids? They suck it all out of you."

Zoolander 2, which is due for release next month (Feb16), features a long list of high-profile guest stars, including Justin Bieber, Ariana Grande, Joe Jonas, and Katy Perry, and the film also stars British actor Benedict Cumberbatch as an androgynous model.

The Sherlock star's appearance in the film sparked protests from some transgender activists, who called his role a "cartoonish mockery of androgyne/trans/non-binary individuals".

A petition was launched criticising the filmmakers for failing to cast a transgender or androgynous actor in the role, and urging fans to pledge not to watch it following its February (16) release.

Will Ferrell, who also appears in Zoolander 2, recently spoke out to defend Benedict, insisting the movie is a comedy and should not be taken too seriously.

"We are making fun of a bunch of different things," Will told BBC Radio 1's Newsbeat. "In terms of reading the script, (there's) that feeling, that world (in which) the movie is established, is so heightened and over the top... I guess there's some controversy. To me, I don't feel like it was over egregious..."


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