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Jesse James Endorses Donald Trump For President!

He has a history of infidelity and Nazi humor and now Jesse James has thrown his support behind Republican Presidential hopeful Donald Trump.

In an open Facebook letter, the motorcycle builder, who also starred on Trump’s show “The Apprentice,” wrote, “What I saw was a person that treated everyone with respect. Even the (Hispanic) guys in the mail room. I made it all the way to the top 3 and when I was let go Donald Trump stood up and shook my hand and said ‘Great Job Jesse.’”

“Now I know that a lot of you will think that is some dumb reality TV show, not real life…and especially Not the presidency. The majority of the Anti-Trumps are basing their opinion of him on sound bites from that very same Reality TV Show… Nobody wants to watch somebody be a nice guy, they want to see him say ‘Your FIRED!' What I personally observed is a man that is perfect[ly] suited to run this country. One thing you know about me is Good or bad I will always tell it like it is. This guy is the Real Deal, and will Make America Great Again.”

Donald later replied, “Just read your complete statement. You are an amazing guy & I really appreciate your words & support. I will see you soon!”

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