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Nicki Minaj Goes Topless For Billboard Year in Music 2015 Issue

She’s no stranger to shocking snapshots and Nicki Minaj is up to her old tricks again on Billboard magazine’s latest cover.

The 33-year-old “Pink Friday” rapper seems to have forgotten her shirt in the front page photo, though it sounds like she has no lack in the diamond department.

Nicki told Billboard that her boyfriend Meek Mill keeps showing her with bling- "He and I are not engaged. But he said he would like to give me three rings before we get married. My birthday's coming up, and he better get the new one, because he got [the first one] for my last birthday. I don't know what's going to happen with he and I. I just know right now we are really, really enjoying each other's company. So, shout out to everybody in the world that's just trying to find love or be happy. Everybody should have someone to hold at night. It really, really changes your energy. I find that my energy is very different afterward -- if I'm in the bed with him, just hugging him all day. It's just, like, something about love. You transfer it. It's infectious."

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