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Tina Fey and Amy Poehler Team Up For Glamour January 2016 Cover!

Their creative chemistry is nothing short of legendary and Amy Poehler and Tina Fey are at it again in the January 2016 Social Issue of Glamour magazine.

The “Parks and Recreation” star begins by asking gal pal Fey about playing a “woman-child” in their new movie “Sisters,” to which Tina replies, “Woman-child, I think, is in reference to the fact that there are many male comedians who play man-childs—man-childs is a word. I do think it’s fun to be able to play a character that’s in no way aspirational and in no way a role model, and the more female characters there are on-screen, there’s less pressure on every character to represent everyone. I love playing people who are flawed.”

As for their greatest accomplishments, Amy and Tina decide to answer for each other. Poehler begins, “Why don’t I tell you what I think is one of your accomplishments and you tell mine? I feel weird talking about my own. I think one of your greatest accomplishments was transitioning from the captain you were at SNL to creating a show [30 Rock]. That is so hard—extricating yourself from a place you were so comfortable and successful, then doing something else so well. That, and the fact that you invented the word flerm.” And Fey adds, “I would say that one of your greatest accomplishments, Amy Poehler, is that you have so successfully used your art and comedy as a source of positivity in the world, by creating Smart Girls [an online community for girls, encouraging them to be their authentic selves], by making [Leslie in] Parks and Rec not only a positive feminist character but creating a good-hearted worldview within that program.”

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