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Duggar Family Issues Statement Following “19 Kids and Counting” Cancellation

Millions of fans are crushed at the news that “19 Kids and Counting” has been cancelled by TLC, and the Duggar Family has spoken out to thank everyone for their love and support.”

Referencing the recently-unveiled molestation scandal involving Josh Duggar, the massive family stated, “With God’s grace and help Josh, our daughters and our entire family overcame a terrible situation, found healing and a way forward. We are so pleased with the wonderful adults they have all become. It is our prayer that the painful situation our family went through many years ago can point people toward faith in God and help others who also have lived through similar dark situations to find help, hope and healing, as well.”

They continued, “We appreciate the love, support, prayers and kindness extended to us by many of you. You have deeply touched our hearts and encouraged us, during this time…. We know Who holds the future and are confident that He will work all things together for good. We love each of you and look forward to unfolding the future with peace and joy.”

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