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Robin Thicke & Pharrell Williams’ “Blurred Lines” Settlement Cut By Over $2 Million!

Back in March they were hit with a $7.4 million copyright infringement lawsuit over their hit song “Blurred Lines,” and this week US District Judge John A. Krontstadt reduced Robin Thicke and Pharrell Williams' damages to $5.3 million.

The hit song, which was deemed too similar to Marvin Gaye’s 1977 hit “Got to Give It Up,” was targeted by Gaye’s family, and though their lump sum is less than originally thought, they will receive 50 percent of all future earnings.

Per the Gaye family’s attorney, "Mr. Thicke and Williams, and their legal team, among others, went on a public relations campaign after the jury's verdict criticizing the verdict and saying the evidence did not support the finding of copyright infringement, and did not believe the decision on liability would therefore stand. The judge who actually heard all of the evidence disagreed. I am thrilled for the Gaye family, and the thoughtful members of the jury, who had to listen to all of that while remaining silent."

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