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Gina Rodriguez Scores Summer 2015 Cover of Glam Belleza Latina

Her starring role on “Jane the Virgin” has catapulted her into Tinseltown stardom and Gina Rodriguez just landed on the cover of Glam Belleza Latina’s Summer 2015 issue.

The Golden Globe winner posed for photographer Doug Inglish and discussed her burgeoning career- “Obviously the [Golden Globe] win was fantastic, but the nomination itself was the win. I want to be acknowledged for what I do. For people to stop and say, ‘She can act her ass off. I want to work with her.’ That way I can tell more stories. And I can open up more doors. And God willing, I’ll get to a place where I can executive-produce shows and I can put other people on.”

Rodriguez also discussed her own personal mission in Hollywood- “I want to change the idea of minorities in the media. Or contribute to that movement—I’m not single-handedly doing it. Growing up, I never saw my home life reflected on-screen, and that made me feel a certain way about myself. It’s not only about my ethnicity; it made me feel a certain way about my beauty. Not seeing a woman like me as a lead made me feel like I’d never be skinny enough, I’d never be pretty enough. I want to give young girls, like my niece, the tools to see a billboard and think, That [non-Latina] girl is beautiful, but that’s not the only form of beauty. Jane’s story is about a beautiful, normal girl. We don’t talk about her weight or her looks.”

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