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Caitlyn Jenner: I Love My Transgender Fans!

It has been a crazy week for Caitlyn Jenner thanks to her cover story for Vanity Fair, and in her interview she praises her many fans for their support of her gender transition.

The woman formerly known as Bruce Jenner explains, “I’ve gotten a lot [of letters] from trans women… I read every one of them, a lot of them I answer. One letter had so many interesting things to say, but at the end she left her telephone number.”

And of course, Caitlyn just had to reach out- “I called her… Because for me… I’m new to this community. I thought, I need to learn about the people, and here’s this lady living in New York State, she actually works in an operating room, transitioned 15 years ago, doing very well in her life, but obviously went through hell to get there. I want to know these stories… I have a platform that’s so large, how can I use that to make this better? And the only way I could do that is to talk to people.”

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