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Jason Statham Shows His Sweet Tooth on Esquire’s June/July 2015 Cover

He’s best known for his rugged physique and gravelly voice, though it seems Jason Statham is also a big fan of ice cream with sprinkles!

The “Spy” stud is featured on the front of Esquire magazine’s June/July 2015 issue, chatting about his transition from action to comedy- “I’ve always been apprehensive about trying to do a f*cking comedy, because they’re either brilliant or they’re f*cking terrible. At least in making an action film, there’s always going to be someone who wants to see a car chase. Even if a lot of the people don’t like it, there will be a lot of people that do. But bad comedy is just garbage. But this works, and I give a lot of the credit—or all of the fucking credit—to Paul and the writing.”

Jason also noted he’s not accustomed to working with properly-trained actors- “It doesn’t annoy me, but it can be a little pretentious. So people warming up their vocal chords before a take, going ‘Meh, meh, meh’? Sometimes I want to remind them, at the end of the day, they’re just pretending to be somebody else. I’m used to selling f*cking jewelry on the street. There’s no pretense there.”

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