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Miley Cyrus lashes out at Indiana Governor, Calls him an ‘a**hole’

Miley Cyrus is known for not caring what people think of her, so it's not a surprise that she has decided to stand up for what she believes in. The singer decided to lash out at the Governor of Indiana by dedicating an instagram post to speaking out about his beliefs on gay rights.

In typical Miley Cyrus style, Miley made sure to draw attention to her cause. She posted a portrait of Governor Mike Pence and wrote him a note to denounce his attempts to pass a law that apparently allows businesses to discriminate against gays.

"You're an a**hole @govpenceIN," she wrote. "The only place that has more idiots than Instagram is in politics@braisoncwukong thank you for standing up for what is right! We need more strong heterosexual men fighting for equality in both men and women! Why are the macho afraid to love muchoooo?!?"

Miley Cyrus speaks out (Judy Eddy/

It seemed that the situation was brought to Miley's attention by her brother Braison as he had also posted about the Governor prior. Braison encouraged fans to contact the Governor and let him know he's wrong. It seems that Miley was just doing what her brother was encouraging people to do.

“This is Indiana Senator, Mike Pence. He is currently trying to pass a law in Indiana to allow businesses to discriminate against gays under the Religious Freedom Restoration Act,” Miley's brother wrote. “This is wrong in so many ways. Tweet him and tell him he's an a**hole @govpenceIN."

This isn't the first time that Miley Cyrus has spoken up for equality. She also considers herself to be a feminist, and has spoken about inequality between men and women before.

Miley Cyrus posted this message on Instagram (Miley Cyrus/Instagram)

Specifically, she has a problem with double standards when it comes to clothing. In an interview with BBC Newsbeat in November 2013, she complained about men being able to show off their nipples, while women are discouraged from doing the same.

"I feel like I'm one of the biggest feminists in the world because I tell women to not be scared of anything," she said at the time. "Girls are all beautiful. Guys get to show their t---ies on the beach, why can't we? I don't understand the double standard of life."

It's no surprise that Miley complained about this scenario, as this was around the time she caused major controversy in the music industry for her own wardrobe choices.

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