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Has Christina Aguilera’s BABY been Photoshopped?

There hasn't really been a Photoshop furore that wasn't completely ridiculous, but this one really takes the biscuit: Christina Aguilera's six-month-old baby Summer Rain is the cover star of a major US magazine this week, but speculation is sky-high that the poor tot's image has been edited. Which begs the question: WHY?!

Babies are babies; they're gorgeously cute without having to be manipulated. And while there hasn't been any response yet as to whether or not People's people did make Summer Rain look like a porcelain doll, they'll have a hard time persuading many fans otherwise. Why can't we just let beautiful people be beautiful people without toying with their pictures?

Why mess with Summer Rain's face? (Photo: People)

Summer Rain was born to the Voice coach in August 2014 and, in other snaps shared by the publication, seems as happy, healthy and goddamn precious as anyone else her age. So why the need to Photoshop? Rather than enhance the image, it just makes it look needlessly ridiculous... and there's no fooling Twitter:

(Photo via Twitter)

So either we're all wrong and that image just LOOKS like a toy advert (in which case OOPS SORRY), or People have some serious explaining to do.

The interview, in any case, is adorable. “I was speechless,” 34-year-old Xtina gushes of the birth six months ago. “She was literally like an angel… We had an immediate calm bond, and I felt unexplainably connected to her and her spirit. Her smile lights up a room and I know it melts mama and daddy's hearts. She laughs a ton and is easy to make smile. She just wants to be where the action is!”

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