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No-nonsense news reporter brilliantly shuts down videobomber

Disruption from members of the public must be an everyday fear for on-location news reporter, but this guy just wasn't remotely in the mood to put up with a passer-by's interference yesterday (February 5) - swiftly shoving him straight out of shot. Like a BOSS.

As soon as the air was handed over Steve Kuzj, it was evident that someone had caught his eye and, within seconds, the random A-hole - desperate for a quick few seconds of fame - was given a strong, quick push right out of the frame. And then Steve just carries on as if nothing had happened. Watch below.

It's already been a strong year for the great wide world cocking up reporters' segments. In January a woman was reporting outside St Pancras station in London when a man was hit by a motobike in the background, and she just continued without batting an eyelid. A similarly nonchalant approach was taken by a BBC correspondent just this week when a passing teenager hurled a snowball at his back while he was mid-sentence.

We'd probably give victory to Steve as far as amazing reactions are concerned. Although the guy should count himself lucky - it turns out the journalist is highly trained in martial arts. That could have escalated...

Local news reporter shoves videobomber out the way

BYE (Photo: KTLA5/YouTube)

Alarmingly, whispers have since emerged that Steve only reacted so forcefully because of concerns over a growing trend of passers-by yelling “f**k her right in the p***y” when they see live reports taking place. So yes - probably best to just nip that in the bud, right?

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