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Could You Finish This Freakin’ Massive 8,000-Calorie Breakfast Of Death?

Hands up if you reckon you could demolish this 8,000 calorie breakfast; one so big you have to actually SIGN A WAIVER before starting?

It's easy: six rashers of bacon, six eggs, six sausages, six black puddings, six hash browns, two three-egg omelettes, four portions of fried potatoes and fried mushrooms, four onion rings, four slices of toast, two portions of steed tomatoes, half a grilled tomato and half a grilled tomato.


(Photo: Facebook/The Corner Cafe)

Terms and conditions: you have one hour to down the lot, it's game over if you throw up at any point and you must be over 18. Oh, and your choice of beverage is between a pint of milkshake or a can of energy drink.

The mega-breakfast, introduced at The Corner Cafe in Portishead, UK, launched a month ago and has so far been attempted by five people but, perhaps unsurprisingly, none of them have finished it. If they had, they would have received the, er, spectacular prize of a small trophy, a keyring and a voucher to grab a free breakfast.

(Photo: Facebook/The Corner Cafe)

The initiative has thrown up a bit of pushback since being spotted by the nationwide media, and now the cafe have added an update on their official Facebook page to respond to Daily Mail commenters (*shakes fist*) who, perhaps understandably, accuse them of contributing to unnecessary food waste.

"Just want to clear something up here: we are just a little family run business who can't save the entire world from famine and starvation,” they wrote. "But we do as much as we possibly can every year. It's been brought to our attention from all the hate with daily mail [sic] comments, with what they forgot to include is that every year we donate to food banks and any charity that helps solve ye problem of starving people in third world countries.

(Photo: Facebook/The Corner Cafe)

"2 of our staff have completed skydives for their chosen charities, one being food banks. Not only that but the big boss is doing a half a marathon this year to help raise money to donate to food banks. We hate seeing wasted food, and this is something else to our hearts! Hope this reassures some of you!”

Right then… any volunteers?

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