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Gary Oldman & Alexandra Edenborough: Headed for Divorce Court

They’ve been married since 2008, and sadly Gary Oldman and Alexandra Edenborough have decided to end their union. Per reports, the “Dark Knight Rises” star and his lovely wife (who is 20 years his junior) have been secretly separated for a year and are now seeking a divorce.

Oldman told press, “Alex and I had several great years together, and we shared a great love during that time; but there is big difference in our ages and ultimately that gap inevitably revealed different lifestyle interests. While I have been sad about this for over a year, I am grateful for the good times we did have, and we remain friends. Of course I wish Alex the best happiness in the future.”

Back in January 2014, Gary shared, “Practice makes perfect. Isn’t that what they say? I’m not proud that this is my fourth marriage. But this is a good one. Hopefully, my last one.”

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