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Olly Murs Admits To Tough Depression Battle Where He Was ‘Like A Zombie Drinking And Crying’

Olly Murs has opened up about his personal struggle to overcome depression in a new interview. The singer admits to feeling "like a zombie" at his lowest point when eh was struggling to cope with his new found fame shortly after he appeared on X Factor.

In the chat with Event magazine Olly, 30, revealed how he found comfort in alcohol but it only made matters worse. He also confesses that he felt like he had a split personality because he would have to turn on his trademark chirpy Essex boy charm on stage but once he was out of public view he would just feel miserable.

He said: "It was straight off the back of the X Factor tours. I was drinking too much, I'd always want a drink – vodka and orange – before I performed. You have this split personality. You save all the smiles and the happiness for the performance and then it was like you just switched off. I was moody all the time."

Olly also confesses that it was hard to admit that he had a problem, especially with his hectic working schedule, but his management company did everything they could to help him get his life back on track after he admitted to them that he wasn't coping and they gave him time off to get his head together before things got out of hand.

Olly says his management company helped him to deal with his depression (WENN)

He continued: "I was like a zombie but underneath it all, I was just worrying about what was going to happen to me and I was actually depressed. I burst into tears and they told me to take a break. It's crazy, but that was the last thing you expect to hear. You almost expect them to say, 'Well goodbye then'.

"But they had more faith in me than I had in myself and they also realised I was burnt out. It took two weeks for me to sort myself out. I came back and everything just flew from that point. Of all the things you need to hang on to, your head is the one that counts."

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