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Murdoch’s Empire Makes ANOTHER Gaffe With Needlessly Racy Intern Ad

An Australian fashion magazine has backtracked and apologised after coming under fire for using an image of a lingerie model on all fours to advertise an internship.

The ad, posted to Instagram, has been taken down after being slated in the comments section for being a bad idea on SO MANY LEVELS.

The black and white pic, over which the words ‘;INTERNS WANTED' were printed, was not mentioned at all in the caption beneath. “We are on the hunt for fashion interns," it proclaimed. "Email your CV to or tag friends who might be good candidates..”.

(Photo: Instagram)

Sunday Style is a title owned by News Corporation; run of course by Rupert Murdoch - a man already under heavy fire for suggesting all Muslims should be held responsible for the terrifying attacks in Paris last week.

The mag's apology post reads: “We made an error in judgement today with an image used in a recent Instagram post calling for interns that has since been taken down. We take our intern program seriously and apologise for any offence caused.”

(Photo: Instagram)

Other arms of Murdoch's empire have also been making bad calls this weekend: in addition to his own stupid tweet, a segment on Fox News claimed that Birmingham, UK, is controlled by only Muslims.

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