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Seth Meyers Shares Death Row Meal with Bon Appetit

He’s spent years eating whenever he had a break, so Seth Meyers knows a thing or two about making the most of food. In a new interview with Bon Appetit, the “Late Night with Seth Meyers” star discusses how his eating habits have changed since taking on his new gig.

“SNL was a lot of delivery—you start thinking a Red Bull and a doughnut is where the comedy is. The nice thing about being on a regular schedule is having better habits. My wife has a human job as well, so we start the day with smoothies, then I’ll have a salad mid-day and we’ll eat dinner together at night.”

Seth also enjoys juicing, though not as much as he used to. “I drank juice more at SNL, mostly because I’d stay up all night writing and thought the juice was cleansing. At some point, though, juice is wasted if you’re pouring it over a piece of pizza at 3:30 a.m.”

And when it comes to his death row meal, Meyers knows just what to request- “My mom’s homemade Chex mix. No one makes it like her, although I recently learned that the key to her success is just butter.”

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