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Hugh Hefner Still Alive Despite Death Hoax

Making for a tumultuous Sunday (December 28) at the Playboy Mansion, a fake website erroneously reported that Hugh Hefner passed away. The 88-year-old publishing legend was said to have died of natural causes around 9am and hundreds of thousands of social media users shared the story via Facebook and Twitter.

However, thankfully Hef is still alive and kicking, as his wife Crystal Hefner posted a photo with her husband as they attended the Mansion’s weekly movie night together.

Mrs. Hefner wrote, “Movie night with the family,” at 10:28 PM on Sunday night, shortly after Hugh’s tweet, “Tonight’s mansion movie is ‘American Sniper.’” Crystal later tweeted, “A lie can run around the world before the truth has got its boots on. #QuoteOfTheDay,” obviously referring to the death hoax.

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